Style and Personality

Skyline makes us feel like we are flying; giving us the sense of freedom. Same as wearing your choice of outfit, no one could dictate your personality. If you are preppy, hipster or whatever you want to be, it’s up to you! That choice is yours only, no one or nothing should ever make you feel bad by being yourself. For me, being true to myself is the only thing that matters. As the saying goes, “what you wear is what you are”.    You will not be comfortable if the clothes you are wearing are not your taste. Went to Cebu for the … Continue reading Style and Personality

Minimalist | Instagram Ready Look  

Selfie here, selfie there. Everyone is now snapping their cameras even my mum! So you gotta be ready for an Instagrammable look in an Instagramable place! HAHA! Went to Dumaguete and was so excited! Didn’t know where this was located in the Philippines but heard a lot of things about it. And Siliman University resides here (Im a fan!). The first day I planned to roam around the city and try their foods (which btw I will post soon). I chose comfortable clothes than the tiis-pogi look HAHA! In that way it’s gon’be easy for me to walk around the … Continue reading Minimalist | Instagram Ready Look  

KALUI: Seafood Lust

Sometimes, finding a good locale restaurant is hard especially when you’re in a place that you’re not familiar with. And there are places where there is no internet connection so google/google map is not possible either. What I do most of the time is, ask the cab drivers, tricycle drivers or even the salesladies in sari-sari stores. I went to Puerto Princesa City just a month ago and spent just 24 hours there. Seriously 24 hours lang! Visited the Underground River from end to end and filled my tummy with seafood goodness at this Restaurant called KALUI. And now I … Continue reading KALUI: Seafood Lust


Favorite will be a Favorite but never lasts. You see everytime I buy or fall in love with certain clothes I will wear till I no longer want to use them. Like your favorite song – do you remember Call me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen? You played that song everytime and it’s on replay for few months, right? Then next thing you know you are sick of hearing it. For me it was The Capital Cities Album. I’m telling you I used to dance to it every time I hear it play! But now? NAH.   I bought this Floral Button down … Continue reading FLORALxDenim