Traveling Alone? No problem!

Traveling is the most fulfilling investment you can have in your early 20s. Start it young said by the elderlies. Traveling with family or with friends is a totally different than traveling alone. Even if you travel with family or with friends the experiences and lessons you can learn is different. Only few people who are willing to travel alone and go places. I already said this on my previous blog posts; I always make sure that if I travel I need to experience how be like a locale. Why do you have to be afraid of being alone? I … Continue reading Traveling Alone? No problem!

Live with the King

   This generation surely has a good taste in fashion and good picks. Those classy outfits inspired from 70s to 80s and showing someone’s  personality through what they wear. This is the generation where you can live and dress like a king! And it will be perfect if you own a phone that captures a selfie perfect photo or for a blogger pose shot. I am a fan of gadgets that works entirely like a computer and a camera.  I will not be curious if this android   phone from HUAWEI will be widely use by all in the next few months. … Continue reading Live with the King